About Us

We are Reanimate.

We are an organisation offering a safe space for all living beings to find emotional relief and explore their own journey. Over the years we have worked with many animals and individuals struggling from the after-effects of trauma. We provide an inclusive environment for animals and people, so that they can help each other to heal.

Katie's legacy

Reanimate was started in 2012 after the devastating loss of Katie, a rescue mare who passed away shortly after giving birth. We gained charitable status in 2016 and have been helping people and animals ever since.

The concept: animal-integrated mentoring

As far back as 500AD, the ancient Greeks recognised the value that horses brought to the mental wellbeing of people. More recently, work with animals in this area can be seen from many success stories around the globe. Being around horses has been clinically proven to lower the heart rate and blood pressure, which is particularly helpful to those suffering from anxiety. People often relate differently to animals than they do to other people, allowing them to forge a bond that can help them to explore issues affecting their daily lives.

Trauma can cause a person to retreat into themselves and feel misunderstood, which can limit engagement and delay the healing process. Animal-integrated mentoring can be offered as an alternative for those unable to take advantage of mainstream services, or as a complimentary therapy.

The Reanimate approach

All work undertaken at our centre is on the understanding that the animals are willing participants; just like people, they have the right to say ‘no’ if they feel uncomfortable. All of the animals here at Reanimate have been through difficult situations and come through them settled, empowered and healthy.

Our ethos

We are dedicated to the advancement of animal welfare, education, and self-empowerment based on complete non-harm. We believe it is impossible to empower yourself or others if it disempowers another, regardless of species.

Our work

We provide animal-integrated mentoring to benefit our animals and volunteers. Our work doesn’t stop there. We also seek to educate people on animal behaviour and the human-animal bond, as well as supporting our local community.

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